Energy saving in schools Bielsko-Biala, Poland

It is crucial to motivate citizens already at an early age to adopt energy efficient behaviours –especially children can then e.g. motivate their parents at home to do the same and follow what they have learnt in school.

Life IP “Implementation of Air Quality Plan for the Lesser Poland Region – the Lesser Poland Voivodship in a healthy atmosphere, Poland

The LIFE programme finances innovative ideas concerned with environmental protection in Europe, including

Differentiated waste collection, Sustainable mobility, Italy

Castelbuono is a Zero Waste town of 10.000 inhabitants in Sicily, Italy, which has managed to develop an

Duurzaamheidsmeter Wijken (DZM Wijken), Belgium

The Duurzaamheidsmeter Wijken (DZM Wijken, Sustainability Meter for Neighborhoods) is a tool created by the Flemish government to support the planning, design, and implementation of a new sustainable (residential) neighborhood, and measure its sustainability. The tool can be used by the local government or a project developed.

Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP), Bulgaria

LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System)- software tool for energy policy analysis and climate change mitigation assessment.  LEAP is an integrated, scenario-based modeling tool that can be used to track energy consumption, production and resource extraction in all sectors of an economy. 

System for monitoring and verification - SMIV, Croatia

SMIV  is the first Monitoring and Verification Platform developed as an online application that incorporates National Energy Efficiency Action Plans, Regional and Local Energy Efficiency Action Plans and planning instruments together with specially devised tools that allow all users to generate reports, plans and calculations of their energy savings under the same unified methodology, defined by EU principles. Data contained in SMIV is used for many energy savings calculations, analysis and continuous overview of achieved National energy efficiency targets.

Analyses and recommendations for local budgets with aim of encouraging energy efficiency projects, Croatia

The research topic of this Guidebook is the adjustment of the local budgets in order for them to become supportive of the energy efficiency projects in public services. The main goal of the research was to provide suggestions and recommendations based on analysis of the current situation in Croatia and the comparative review of the experience of selected countries.

Marathon 2020 – Community of Bucharest District 1 - Secons Pillar - Romania

Marathon 2020 – Community of Bucharest District 1 is planned to be the first energy efficient community in Romania by 2020.

EPCheck (version 4.02), Netherlands

The EPCheck software helps in a simple way to check whether an EPC calculation doesn't contain major errors. The EPC (energieprestatiecoëfficiënt) is an index that determines the energetic efficiency of buildings. The EPCheck programme can help with checking calculations of housing as well as utility buildings, following norm NEN 7120:2011 for the energy performance of buildings.

Pellets energy calculator, Hungary

Pellets energy calculator- The energy calculator is intended to provide  information about the cost difference between conventional fuels and the use  of pellet firing. The calculation determines the approximate heat demand of the building and the annual specific energy consumption of specific geometry of the building, the general data of the thermal boundary and structures.
Thus, the heat demand calculation is only an accurate order of merit, however, sufficient energy prices differencing exact branch enter the expected heating costs.